
Customer Testimonials

  • During the most recent storm, I experience property damage. I called my insurance carrier and was quickly assigned to Laurie D, she went out of her way to ensure I understood the process. She demonstrated patience and compassion when explaining the process and next steps. Additionally, after giving me very detailed instructions, she followed up with me on several emails to ensure that all my concerns were addressed. This was some of the best customer service I experience during this difficult time. She even followed up with all parties involved on my behalf. Amazing service! I cannot express how much she has placed my mind at ease. In today’s day and age, it’s good to know this level of customer service still exists. Excellent job Laurie.

    Sherwin A. - Williamstown, NJ 08094
  • Everyone from the assessment to the remediation, to the restoration of my flooded basement was professional, skilled, reliable and - really helpful and thoughtful in their dealings with me. I expect insurance companies to try to cut corners, always say 'not covered' and try to get out of paying any cost to serve the client. PC is the opposite. They went above and beyond on everything. I can't imagine a more responsive insurance co. They really have integrity. ( I know this is really glowing, but I really am a customer. They were just great.)

    Vivian S. - Haworth, NJ 07641

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What Our Clients Are Saying

Providing quality and prompt service for our policyholders is of the utmost importance for everyone from our Customer Service Team to our Claims Team and we take great pride in the feedback we receive.

I have had a last 5 months to forget. During this Covid pandemic so many people have negative memories of the year gone by. One bright memory to remember is the caring, kindness, and efficient attention showed to me by Karen S.  at the Philadelphia Contributorship. I am thankful and...

Yovanny M. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

During the most recent storm, I experience property damage. I called my insurance carrier and was quickly assigned to Laurie D, she went out of her way to ensure I understood the process. She demonstrated patience and compassion when explaining the process and next steps. Additionally, after giving me very...

Sherwin A. Williamstown, NJ 08094

In August, at age 79, we bought our dream house. In October we learned the sewer system was comletely destroyed and a sinkhole had formed under our house. We had only had our insurance with the Philadelphia Contributionship for 2 months when this happened. I checked our coverage with Karen...

Tori H. Camp Hill, PA 17011

I have had a last 5 months to forget. During this Covid pandemic so many people have negative memories of the year gone by. One bright memory to remember is the caring, kindness, and efficient attention showed to me by Karen S.  at the Philadelphia Contributorship. I am thankful and...

Yovanny M. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

During the most recent storm, I experience property damage. I called my insurance carrier and was quickly assigned to Laurie D, she went out of her way to ensure I understood the process. She demonstrated patience and compassion when explaining the process and next steps. Additionally, after giving me very...

Sherwin A. Williamstown, NJ 08094

In August, at age 79, we bought our dream house. In October we learned the sewer system was comletely destroyed and a sinkhole had formed under our house. We had only had our insurance with the Philadelphia Contributionship for 2 months when this happened. I checked our coverage with Karen...

Tori H. Camp Hill, PA 17011

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